Monday, October 12, 2009

Indigenous organization COPNIH: After 517 years the resistance continues and deepens



The Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras COPINH, on the occasion of the commemoration of the date that our peoples and territories began to be the subject of genocide, exploitation, extraction and destruction; emits the following statement:

1.- We condemn once more the assassinations, tortures and all type of attacks suffered by the indigenous peoples by the colonialist powers and their criminal institutions throughout theses 517 años.

2.- We denounce the execution of a plan of world domination against the peoples of the world, which is executed through the implementation of the neoliberal system and the imperialist wars of invasion, with the goal of taking power over all the natural resources of the planet and subjecting humanity to extreme exploitation.

3.- We call the peoples of the world to resists and defeat the order of exploitation advanced by the fascists and construct in its place a society of fraternity and solidarity living in harmony between humans and nature.

4.- We condemn the political-military dictatorship that with armed force took power in Honduras through a cruel coup d'etat which has left in its wake various killed Hondurans and a huge quantity of beaten, tortured and politically persecuted women and men. This coup d'etat is part of the plan of world domination with the objective of taking power over the natural resources of Honduras and stopping in Honduras the processes of emancipation of the Latin American peoples.

5.- We make a call to the Honduran people to deepen the resistance against the dictatorship until we defeat them and achieve the punishment of Roberto Micheletti, the coup-plotting Supreme Court magistrates and congresspeople, the attorney general of the state, the leadership of the Catholic and Evangelical church, the commissioner of human rights who today is supporting the violation of human rights of the Honduran people by the entire police and military leadership. We also call for the convening of a national Constitutional Assembly with representatives who emit a new constitution of the republic that allows a new juridical framework and a new set of institutions in the name of participatory democracy.

6.- We call to the peoples of the world to support the Honduran people not just to be in solidarity but as a means of self-defense since if this coup d'etat wins all teh processes of emancipation of the peoples of the world will be more at risk.

With the ancestral force of Lempira, Iselaca, Mota and Etempica we raise our voices of life, justice, liberty, dignity and peace.

At 517 years of struggle nobody is giving up here!

Intibucà, Honduras - October 12th, 2009

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