Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hondurans mobilize in San Salvador to denounce the reincorporation of Honduras into the Organization of American States


Versión original en español

We the members of popular and indigenous organizations of Honduras, mobilizing in San Salvador, historic si

te where the remains of General Francisco Morazán rest, supported by the solidarity of the Salvadoran people and other peoples of the world, on the occasion of the meeting of the Organization of American States for its Ordinary General Assembly manifest:

1. When the OAS revoked the suspension of the Honduran state and readmitted it to the body it ended up legalizing coup d'etats and contributing to the same people remaining in impunity, not just in Honduras but in all the countries of the Americas.

2. The arbitrary decision of the Organization of American States - backed by Washington - to recognize a regime that rose from elections not recognized by the international community which were carried out under intense militarization and repression and in which the majority of the Honduran population did not participate, contradicts its own Charter. Additionally it undermines the declaration of Human Rights since they pretend not to know that the regime that continues the coup d'etat in Honduras systematically and ser

iously violates human rights and is made up of the junta of high-ranking commanders who executed the coup d'etat of June 29th, 2009, examples of which include General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, minister of [Honduran national telecommunications company] HONDUTEL, General Venancio Cervantes Director of the Migration Department, in addition to other politicians like Vilma Morales, Arturo Corrales, Carlos López Contreras and the General Prosecutor of the Republic Luis Alberto Rubí. We could also include magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice and congressmen amongst the oligarchy's military coup plotters, who continue enjoying impunity.

3. The OAS mocks the Honduran people and the people of the world by recognizing the regime that continues the coup d'etat, given that they aren't ignorant that Roberto Micheletti enjoys a lavish retirement, security guards paid by the Honduran state and an illegal amnesty that has prevented justice for crimes that have been committed against the Hondurans struggling for democracy's return.

4. The OAS should know that it is an accomplice to more than 200 killings, many of which were against the LGBTI community, to the kidnappings that have led to the disappearance of peasants like Olbin Gallegos and Secundino Gómez, to the tortures suffered by men and women who marched in the enormous national mobilizations of the people in Resistance, to the closing of media, ruthless violence to which the youth are subjected, to the long curfews and states of emergency that the Honduran people have suffered. The OAS makes itself an accomplice to the climate of complete impunity being lived through in Honduras which is responsible for the fact that since January of this year there have been more than 115 women killed by acts of femicide.

5. The OAS becomes responsible for the regime that continues the coup d'etat's criminalization of the social organizations that struggle in defense of the water, mining, the forest, and all of the goods of mother earth, opening them up to repression at shameful events like "Honduras is open for business" where the regime's police showed off by violently attacking activists and TV cameramen.

6. The OAS makes clear that it is a useless instrument for the interests of the people and it is useful for the empire of death and greed that imposes coup d'etats and then legalizes them afterwards. It shows us that they are two-faced and that they never intended to revert the coup d'etat and actually favored the coup-makers.

7. We hold the OAS and all the states that have supported the recognition of the coup d'etat in Honduras reponsible for the repression, the impunity, the complete defenselessness and the crimes that don't let up in our country.

8. As social movements we salute the consistent decision of the republic of Ecuador to not support the Honduran return [to the OAS] with which it shows moral force, dignity and a truly democratic orientation.

9. We thank the peoples of the world and we call

on them to deepen the solidarity with the Honduran people that today continue living under a coup d'etat with the difference that now it has been legalized.

Under no historical circumstance do the people renounce the memory of the struggles and the injustices. We reject reconciliation that is based on the practice of forgetting and only favors impunity. We reject the reconciliation that backs up the hypocritical discourse of a democracy that does not exist in Honduras. We raise our fervent condemnation against the OAS for its reincorporation of the regime and for this attempt to humiliate the dignity of the daughters and sons of Lempira and Morazán.

From San Salvador, June 4th, 2011

Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras COPINH

Together We Will Win Association of Aguán

Peasant Movement of Aguán MCA

Unified Peasant Movement of Aguán MUCA

Popular Morazanist Youth JPM

Autonomous Insurrection Collective

Association of Residents of the Peninsula of Zacate Grande

*In this moment more organizations from Honduras are joining, including as of tomorrow the Departmental Resistance Fronts from Ocotopeque, Copán, Lempira and other organizations of the Resistance.

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