Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Calling on national and international organizations: Preliminary hearing in case of Berta Cáceres set to begin

[Original en español]

The preliminary hearing for one of the most renowned human rights cases in Latin America in recent memory – the case of Berta Cáceres - will take place this Wednesday June 7th, in the First District Court in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The hearing comes after two previous continuances due to failure to provide evidence to all parties to the judicial process and in the midst of numerous irregularities in the investigation, which has been under the exclusive control of the Attorney General.  

The purpose of this hearing is to formalize charges against four of the eight men detained thus far: Mariano Díaz Chávez (Major in the Armed Forces), Sergio Rodríguez (Technical and Environmental Manager for the DESA corporation), Douglas Bustillo (former Security Chief for the DESA corporation) and Elvin Heriberto Rápalo (the supposed hitman).

The purpose of the case brought by COPINH and the family of Berta Cáceres is to take a broader look than the case brought by the Attorney General and thereby demonstrate that the assassination is not an isolated incident carried out by individual interests but rather part of a systematic attack against COPINH and its general coordinator.

This crime is part of a plan to destabilize the organization by criminal structures along with private corporations, state agents, international financial organizations and hired criminals.

It is important to recall that a year and three months after the deplorable assassination of our sister Berta Cáceres Flores and despite heavy national and international pressure and ongoing mobilization, the Attorney General’s investigation is replete with deceit and irregularities, which are coming to light as a portion of the file is opened to supplement information from previous hearings.

COPINH calls on all national and international organizations to join us in taking action and echoing our outcry, since this hearing is part of a process full of irregularities that could lead to the case ending with impunity.

With the ancestral strength of Berta, Lempira, Mota, Iselaca and Etempica we raise our voices full of Life, Justice, Freedom, Dignity and Peace!

La Esperanza, Intibucá, June 5th, 2017

#FueraDESA #1AñoSinJusticia #BertaVive #COPINHsigue
#justiciaparaberta #SoyCOPINH
escuchenos en vivo: 
web:  copinh.org
web-mapa: https://bertavivecopinhsigue.copinh.org/ 
blog:  copinhonduras.blogspot.com

blog in English: http://copinhenglish.blogspot.com/
Utopia: https://utopiacopinhblog.wordpress.com/
fb:     Copinh Intibucá


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