[Información en español]

Communitymembers from the Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia (Movement for Dignity and Justice) were beaten and gassed and five were arrested, including awoman who is six months pregnant. Those detained are Albertina López Melgar(who is six months pregnant), Wendy Yanery García, Kevin Javier Linares, JuanBautista Santos and a minor whose name we have been unable to confirm.
La Voz de los de Abajo was able to reach Albertina in prisonwho has the following to say:
“Whatthey are doing here in our country is repressing us just for defending ourright to water. The police don’t help us but when the corporation calls themthey come and repress us and detain people. We have 13 people alreadycriminalized and now five more of us arrested this morning. We want to call outto the international community and let you know that we are indignant as aHonduran people facing the repressive system we live under. The people arebeing harshly repressed with tear gas and tanks. We hold the authoritiesresponsible and the people who finance them and who finance these projects. Weare ending up without water and that is all we have for future generations. Theyneed to think twice, they are doing damage, both social and ecological damage.We pay taxes just like them, but the police are only there to defend them.Right now they are trying to get two machines through our encampment to the damsite by any means they can and I am very worried there will be a loss of lifebecause they are using everything they have to repress us.”
UPDATE: All five were released at 1:30am, but face charges of "carrying out an illegal meeting" amongst others and must check in weekly to the police station pending trial. Spanish speakers canmake calls to:
Julián Pacheco, Minister of Security – 011-504-9456-3699Commander Adán Antonio Reyes Ochoa – 011-504-9440-0220
Tela police station – 011- 504-2448-2086/2089
English speakersplease call:
- U.S. State Department – Bureau of Western HemisphericAffairs – 202-647-5402 – Let them know about this unfolding human rights crisisand ask they call their counterparts in the Honduran government.
- Your congressperson – Let them know about the situation inPajuiles and ask they support the Berta Cáceres Law for Human Rights inHonduras to cut off military and police aid that is being used for assassinationsand other human rights violations like the violent operation underway right now.http://witnessforpeace.org/bertacaceresact/
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