The Committee of Family Members of the Detained and Dsiappeared in Honduras, COFADEH, denounces the crime committed Teusday afternoon against the young man Edwin Renán Fajardo Argueta (22), an active member of the Resistance. His body was found this past December 23rd in the afternoon after a constant search by family members and friends worried about his absence as he was supposed to travel on Wednesday to Roatán, Islas de la Bahía, for Christmas with his family.
COFADEH received the information about finding his body in an apartment in the San Rafael neighborhood in Tegucigalpa, in the Villar Rosales Building, where he had lived for a long time. There was a cord found around his neck and a broom stick behind his head and there were signs of violence as everything was strewn about. The act may have occurred between four and five in the afternoon on Tuesday December 22nd.
His killers tried to simulate a suicide but his body was found in a small closet of his apartment bleeding from its nose and his body was dirty like it had been tied up according to the neighbors who saw the scene of the crime. The people responsible for his death took his camera and a computer.
On Monday of this week he had communicated to friends that he was very worried because he felt pursued because he had received text messages in his telephone and didn't want to leave for Roatán where his family was because of the danger of being in public places and that's also why he didn't want to go see friends who wanted to meet up.
Several neighbors said they had seen suspicious cars without license plates and with tinted windows circulating around the area in recent days, this has generated much fear because since August strange things have been seen.
His die-hard activism in the National Front of Resistance included participation in marches, sit-ins, and all the activities by that organization of which he was always in the front lines and where he took photographs with the camera that they stole from him. He also traveled to different places around the country to raise consciousness about the need for a National Constitutional Assembly.
Edwin Renán was a very admired young man in his neighborhood for being so respectful and responsible. The apartments he lived in were very secure, nobody could enter if they didn't live in them.
An agent of the investigation manifested that the autopsy will determine the causes of his death and added that in his neck was the cord and the broom stick behind his head and that, "it would be hard for it to have been a suicide because the broomstick would have broken with the weight of his body," he said. A vigil for Edwin Renán will happen in the building where he lived and his body will be taken to Roatán at seven in the morning.
COFADEH condemns this new act of violence that blinds the life of a young man with a promising future for Honduras. The killings of active members of the Resistance have increased in recent days in a selective way, using simulations of criminal violence to cover up the deaths.
We make an urgent call to the international community and especially to human rights organizations to carry out urgent necessary actions to stop this human hunt against the Honduran population who continues in resistance since the 28th of June when the military-political-business-imperialist coup was perpetrated.
Commitiee of Family Members of the Detained and Disappeared of Honduras, COFADEH
Tegucigalpa, Honduras December 23rd, 2009
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