Violent repression in Tegucigalpa airport: 3 dead

Three dead and various wounded was the balance of the charge against a defenseless and unarmed protest.
Isis Obed Murillo is the name of the boy killed.
In the moment when the charge happened, CNN affirmed that all of Honduras was in a state of complete normalcy. Of course, surely for them the murdered boy, who had gone to see the return to the country of President Zelaya, is nothing more than collateral damage.
President Manuel Zelaya had just finished directing a message to the Armed Forces of Honduras in a message from his plane broadcast to Honduras, urging the Armed Forces not to repress the unarmed people, when the ARmed Forces had begun to fire on the unarmed people and repress the journalists in the Tegucigalpa airport.
Eduardo Silvera, sent specially by VTV, has reported that there are at least three Honduran children dead. At 8:25 pm, YVKE Mundial confirmed, theough the leader Angel Alvarado, that there are three dead and not two, as had been initially reported. One of them is a 16 year old kid, who was killed with a shot to his head. All the reports agree there are numerous wounded.
Several protesters declared that the army is firing with rlive ammunition and with teargas bombs, and is stopping the Red Cross from picking up the bodies of the people who are laying on the ground.
Silvera pointed out htat the coup Army put up a trap, an ambush for the people of Honduras, since it let it happen, oppening the security chain and allowing them to pass and to get close to the separation fence between the runways, only to then open fire against the unarmed citizens from the airport terminal.
On the other side, a police official confirmed to the AFP press agency the existence of at least two dead people in the clashes between the Honduran troops and and a group of pro-Zelaya demonstrators in front of the airport.
The curfew was forwarded to 6:30 pm.... which forced journalists and the rest of hte protesters left to quickly withdraw.
Peaceful Protest
Before that, several Latin American media outlets have reported that the human mobilization to the Toncontín airport, has been the biggest one seen since teh coup d'etat. Masses of workers, students, social strugglers, mothers and children marched to the Honduran capital. Nonetheless, they avoided the Presidential palace which is currently besieged and usurped.
At 4:20 pm, the journalist Eduardo Silvera of VTV reported that the police and the military opened the way for thousands of people to arrive to the airport, after which, for several hours, they blocked access. The people acted peacfully, dialoguing and convincing the soldiers to open the way; the police had orders to not repress or confront the population.
"From what it seemed, the airport opened because a white plane had just landed," indicated Silvera at 4:20 pm.
For hours, the military and police siege around Tegucigalpa, and the security line that had has been installed around the main Honduran airport, kept several hundred thousand people from getting to Toncontín.
Thousands marching since early in the morning
Since this morning, as Telesur was reporting, several representatives of unions reported about the situation they were living. The representative of the drink industry unions, Porfirio Ponce, announced that his organization was ready and willing to receive the constitutionally elected president, Manuel Zelaya. He also expressed that the highway blockades continue insde the Republic, and that there will be massive protests in different regions.
Silvera reported in the morning that the security bodies had set up a strong repressive line inside and outside the installations of the airport, suspending national and international flights. It was feared that the plane transpoting Zelaya wouldn't be allowed to enter.
Nonetheless, at aproximately 1 in the afternoon ... a group of military taking care of the airport had abandoned it and that the number of military functionaries that were taking care of it was considerably less than at first. Later he reported that the line haf formed again.
The correspondent from Telesur, Adriana Sívori, interviewed Guillermo Paz, press chief of the constitutional government. Paz expresses that this is a nefarious moment in the history of Honduras, seeing as the Honduran people have suffered and struggled a lot to achieve democracy. "The people are who are going to allow the President to return and finish his period," Guillermo Paz confirmed.
Some social movement leaders also expressed their indignation at the declarations of the church regarding Mel's arrival, it was said that "the place of the church is on the side of the poor."
2,000 police against 200,000 citizens
Luis Galdámez, journalist from the community radio Radio Globo Honduras, informed in a telephone conversation with YVKE Mundial that some 2,000 police blocked all the entrances of the Tegucigalpa airport, and that the protesters, who he calculated to be about 200,000 are asking for them to please let them pass, while several people have already been detained immediately around the airport.
Galdámez confirms the presence of machine guns at the airport grounds.
While all of the above was happening CNN transmitted an interview and news saying that in Honduras all was normal.
(Source: Telesur/YVKE Mundial)
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