Letter of Solidarity to the people of Honduras
Analysis/Features, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, July 1st, 2009
June 30, 2009, Palestine
The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign expresses its solidarity with the people of Honduras as they face a military coup d’etat that has seen their democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya Rosales kidnapped on the eve of a historic poll on constitutional reform. The poll, largely supporting by labour unions and social movements of Honduras, was a popular demand and would have been an important first step towards constitutional reform that would have given the people more power over political processes. The coup, led by right-wing forces in Honduras was intended to crush this democratic process and deny the people of Honduras the right to determine their own political future.
Honduras is a nation that has been the victim of dictatorships and massive U.S. intervention during the past century, including several military invasions. The last major U.S. government intervention in Honduras occurred during the 1980s, when the Reagan Administration funded death squads and paramilitaries to eliminate any potential “communist threats” in Central America. Thousands were killed or disappeared in the region at that time.
Many social movements and unions within Honduras, along Presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia and Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, and other Latin American leaders, have made public statements condemning the coup d’etat. They have called on the international community to react quickly to ensure democracy is restored and the constitutional president is reinstated.
The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign supports the following demands, put forth by social movements throughout Honduras:
1. The immediate reestablishment of Constitutional order.
2. We call on the Army to refrain from repressing the people of Honduras, who are demanding a return to democracy.
3. That physical integrity of political and social leaders be respected.
4. The immediate return of president Zelaya to his function in Honduras
5. That the authorities guarantee the right of the population to the full exercise of democracy through the popular consultation.
Given our long history of military occupation and the denial of our human and political rights, the Palestinian people have common cause with Hondurans and stand in solidarity with the people of Honduras.
The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
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